Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Walking along Avenue D by the housing projects,
I noticed they wear clothes that do not fit,
baggy jeans many sizes too big, dangling
around their ankles, falling past their ass and
balanced on their rump with just a tightened belt.

I noticed that their t-shirts hang down beyond their knees
like over-sized night shirts, dresses, or hand-me-downs
enveloping their small frame like a cotton blanket
sagging to the ground.

And I know about unconscious motivations,

subconscious revelations, manifesting in the flesh,

silent gestures of the body – emotional reality far from words.

And I know they do not fit into the economic system of our getting and spending,
the international-business-school-corporate offices-in-3-continents, headquarters on-Wall Street Dow Jones-Industrial-revenue-cost-cutting-G8-policies of year-over-year GDP budget-growth forecast-quarterly-earnings-we-must-pay-dividends-to-our-stockholders system.

They are too small, too little for the big money-making scheme
that supersonic jumbo-jet-sized, overwhelming monopoly of a board game, dangling above their heads,
falling out of reach – all balanced precariously
by just a belting, on their rumps.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Reviewing 123 IB

123 IB is a prophetic dark 'n dirty playful dance through everything of life: parties, potties, politics, religion, night life, low life, high life and love life. If Allen Ginsburg started the beat-revolution with his inspired poetic ravings, what revolution will come from these choreographed rants and raves? 123 IB re-interprets and re-mixes all the Big questions... and like a skilled DJ, Alexander programs his musically-inspired book with rising crescendos, melodic interludes and mind-popping beats.

Of Tigers and Men

image credit: Lloyd Ian Bishop

Night Journey

image credit: Lloyd Ian Bishop